We develop methods that make it enriching and fun to get together with people who are different from you.
Better partner, friend and colleague
Better organization without silos
Better society with understanding of others
We develop methods that make it enriching and fun to get together with people who are different from you.
Better partner, friend and colleague
Better organization without silos
Better society with understanding of others
We develop methods that make it enriching and fun to get together with people who are different from you.
What we do
We develop and use methods that make it enriching to understand people different from you.
Photo: Lars Joelsson

Grow understanding
by sharing experiences.
Becoming better at understanding others is a lifelong learning. To gradually develop your human abilities, become more open and respectful will make you a better partner, parent, colleague, and decision maker.
In organizations there is a need for methods to better understand other departments, specialists, customers, team members, generations, external stakeholders, etcetera. The potential of sharing knowledge is underutilized in and between most businesses, public organizations, and academia.
From time to time, we are all rocked by complex societal questions like climate change, immigration, economic equality and security. They can make us worried, frightened and sometimes angry – feelings that are the psychological basis for polarization. There is a need for easy-to-use tools that can counteract gaps growing between people.
Our starting point is to increase understanding by sharing experiences and knowledge. Without understanding few gaps will be bridged.
With our methods you will practice how to see your own prejudices, share your personal experiences and knowledge. You will grow by learning how to listen on different levels and how to ask questions that can open ways forward. Together with “the others” new ideas and solutions can form. To practice it is enriching and fun.
We explore and try to implement these methods together with companies, schools, municipalities, government bodies, the arts. It can´t be done without close collaboration.
Of course, we face some opposition. Some think we are out to ban certain opinions. We are not. But there is a limit to how extreme opinions one should try to understand. It is up to each one to judge where the line goes.
Our methods are not about convincing and changing someone's mind. What we see is that multi-sided perspectives can lead to better understanding, new ideas and solutions.